Why do you restrict audio recording, video recording, and picture taking?

Why do you restrict audio recording, video recording, and picture taking?

There are many reasons for this. As we began in 1988, there was not a need for restriction. Then, folks started to snap pictures. Next, they kept on “snapping” right through the movie! As we progressed into the mid-’90s, people began selling posters of the Bengies Drive-In Theatre, and then “photo sets” of the Bengies over the internet. To add insult to injury, my voice was recorded, along with parts of the copyrighted film, and that was being used in ways you could not even imagine. I was strongly cautioned by my lawyer to protect my “proprietary rights.” I was also advised of my legal liability for allowing copyrighted material to be recorded, and to restrict it altogether.

Still, instead of doing that, I tried to contain the damage by allowing it if people signed an agreement. That did not work out. As soon as someone else saw a “flash” they pulled out their camera and joined in without permission. I kept trying to allow it, but then I was approached by a patron whose face ended up on the internet. They were accidentally “captured” in the background of a photo that I did not give the person permission to take. Now we had to consider privacy rights.

At the time came the theft of copyrighted material, and ALL THEATRES in AMERICA, as well as the distributors, realized that having cameras and recording devices in a movie theatre should not be allowed. It is asking for trouble by allowing it.

The Bengies is a landmark, and I certainly understand why a lot of folks want to photograph it, and why many want to record the audio because they think they have a right to do that. Understand that it is also a MOTION PICTURE THEATRE. Please understand there is no way to control it anymore, and there is way too much to risk by allowing it in any way, shape, or form. We go out of our way to entertain you, PLEASE capture the memory in your heart and mind, and not on devices that have no business being in a movie theatre! You may record NOTHING. You may capture an image of NOTHING. DO NOT USE CELL PHONES to capture and Image of ANYTHING. Please see the house rules and policies on this matter.